Sunday, October 14, 2007

Life on the Farm. 8th October 2007 (Monday)

I do seem to have the ability to be at odds with the norm, that has to be said. When I was married, everyone else was single. Now I’m single, everyone else is paired up or married. So today I continued that trend. Trust me to come to Germany to do what 1000s of Germans have come to Australia and done….. today I was a fruit picker. Papa and I picked apples – those that fell (or had already fallen and were okay) were separated into a different container and put to one side to make juice from. Naturally I had the latest fashion for fruit picking in the colder climes – see picture. Had a little nap (more like a short deep sleep) and then Papa and I went to help with the juice making. That was pretty cool and the juice is fantastic! I will have a montage put together of the juice making process by the time I get back. I might try sending it on if it’s not too big and if I get time to do. For now though, I left my cable to connect my camera to my laptop back in Brisbane, so I’m typing this in Word still, and hope to get both a cable and online over the weekend when I’m in Leer with Maike.

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