Saturday, October 04, 2008

And it's away we go

So today's the day. For once I really couldn't get to sleep last night - don't usually have that trouble, but this time I did. Now it's (too) early on leaving day and I'd kill for another hour that is now too late to have (a full hour) and not going to happen anyway - because my brain is in hyperdrive.

Some of it is feeling badly about not getting through all the stuff I wanted to do at work. If I hadn't been off to Kirsty's for the pre-trip tidy up, I would have stayed back to get more done....but that was just not it was I misjudged the timing and was 1/2 an hour late to my own bon voyage dinner (it's a little outside the 'fasionably late' zone, I fear).

We went for Mexican last night - the food was great, when it struck me that on Sunday I will be having lunch in Mexico - how freakin' awesome is that???? That's the current plan, at any rate, but I hope that happens.

Anyway - we're leaving for the airport in an hour and a half - must eat, shower, dress and pack yet - so I guess I'd best get off this thing and pack it up too.

More soon.......

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