Saturday, September 08, 2012

16th August

Had a gentle morning, and Papa picked me up around midday and dropped me to meet Mama and Martja in Leer.

We picked up a few bits and pieces and went for lunch at a newish Chinese restaurant that had been recommended to Mama.  The food was really good and the day was, once again too bloody hot for my liking.

On going back to Bernd and Svenja's place until Svenja came home from work and Papa picked us up, I played with Martja.  Colouring in and dancing and puzzle books....  I'm sure most people who know me would not have recognised me at all....

The evenings are long and we are spending them all in the garden until long dark (which is around 10.30pm at the moment).

We keep looking for shooting stars, which Papa seems to see plenty of, Mama has seen a couple but my record of never having seen one remains in tact......  One day maybe.

It's not all that important.. same as the fabled Lotto win... I won a huge prize just getting to go to Germany and then had the best luck with the family I was assigned to...  Not that I would knock back any Lotto win - but they would be superfluous.

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