Monday, August 13, 2012

12.8.12 - Saying goodbye and travelling home...

There is NO other way to say it other than goodbyes suck -and they suck big, like whale dick.

Today was goodbye day from Marc, Vera, Knud and Lasse.

We chose to try not to be overly dramatic (but sobbing sally here failed somewhat).  After all - I'll more than likely be back in two years, or so :)

Mama and Papa picked me up at about 10.30am - a little early - but any time would have been aweful and too early.

So we tried to make it as quick and painless as time I come Marc and Vera's family will have grown again.....and they will be getting full use out of their minibus :)

On the way home we stopped in at Kronshörn for a few minutes so I got to see Ulli and Johann which was cool..... we picked up some fish Mama and Papa had bought the previous afternoon at the fish farm (referenced in a previous blog.... the getting of the fish)

We dropped some off in Augustfehn - for Hannes and Meike.  Only Hannes was home - but a gathering of the (Kegel) clan is being organised.  Next Sunday seems to be the thought at the moment.

Mama and I went down to the Müggenmarkt later in the afternoon - but it was mostly closing up and then getting ready for the evening beer tent festivities...  25 Years ago I was in that beer tent (after doing the 10km walk in the morning).  I will see if I can dig out a photo or two of it when I get home to add. 

We relaxed over wurst and pommes (fries) in the back yard for dinner until the closing ceremony started - which I think I saw maybe 10 minutes of before falling asleep on the sofa.........

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